Reviews of Tyranny
Tyranny was nominated 2010 Finalist, Governor General's Literary Awards, Children's Literature - Text.
The New York Public Library selected Tyranny for inclusion on the 'Stuff for the Teen Age' list, 2010.
"Walker Books is proud to announce the acquisition of graphic novel Tyranny by Canadian author and illustrator Lesley Fairfield. Having struggled with anorexia for 30 years, Fairfield has a deep insight into the subject of her astonishing graphic novel that will appeal to teenagers and adults alike. ...Walker plans to publish in spring 2011. World rights in all languages excluding North America are available." - Bologna Bookfair News, Spring 2010
" This is one of the most moving and important graphic novels to come along in years . Fairfield treats this important subject with intelligence and empathy, and personifying Anna's horrible self-image in the character of Tyranny is a unique and compelling approach. The simple yet powerful black-and-white drawings do wonders in bringing the book's message to its readers. Tyranny is so important that both younger and older teens will benefit from reading it. Every public and school library should own at least one copy of this amazing book." - Starred Review, School Library Journal
"Tyranny is a page-turner . Fairfield captures the nuanced psychological somersaults of the anorexic experience pitch-perfectly . She immerses us in the social and physical experience of anorexia with both guts and grace." - NOW Magazine
"Lesley Fairfield juxtaposes images of a slender, attractive Anna with the flabby, repulsive girl Anna sees in the mirror . Enter Tyranny - a skeletal figure who acts as Anna's inner critic " - Graphic Spotlight, Kirkus Reviews
" the emotions are real. The simple line drawings give the character an ageless feel, young enough to speak to middle- schoolers, but old enough for a young adult to relate to as well. ... The story is told with equally simple words, relying on the pictures to provide the punch. ...effective " - Booklist
"The graphic form impels but doesn't rush the reader along with Anna on her dangerous dance with a severe and recurrent eating disorder. The malevolent squiggle that is Tyranny is never out of the picture for long." - The Globe and Mail
"...Tyranny transcends the genre in spades...The novel as a whole is nothing short of brilliant. The language is spare and unflinching. The illustrations are eye-catching, and the various boxes and asides provide more information than a simple narrative can. ...a compelling read as well. The novel will appeal to the exact person who should read it... it is short, gutpunching, and never condescending... I hope every school and library in the country buys this book because it could save lives. Lesley Fairfield's writing and drawings and message all shine. Highly recommended." - Canadian Materials
" Although Anna tries several times to break the cycle of her disorder, Tyranny always pulls her back in. It's this struggle to regain her will to live that makes Tyranny a powerful read." - Quill & Quire
"...Tyranny is a book about a young woman who is wrestling with an acute eating disorder. Tyranny is also a character in its own right - a wheedling, judgemental, ever-present companion who undermines her at every turn. ...It's a powerful book: spare, probing, tough-minded. The text is lean, and the narrative is enriched and textured by the exquisite drawings. It's a harrowing story... but it's also a hopeful one. How Fairfield handles that sequence of dawning awareness is extraordinary... In the compelling visual shorthand of this book, Tyranny itself begins to lose definition, eventually collapsing into the fluid lines of a pen on paper. The artist assumes her responsibility as a creative force, making the image rather than being made by it." - dig! Magazine