About Tyranny
The character Tyranny first crept onto the page ten years after I developed anorexia. I was working on a journal of drawings in therapy.
As a calligraphic line drawing, she became the tangible embodiment of my eating disorder. It was liberating to sketch us both fighting for the upper hand-especially when I won.
Even after 20 years of recovery, it is painful to remember the isolation, grief, and loneliness of this devastating illness, and troubling to see others still struggle with it.
Anorexia diminishes the body, mind, and spirit. The ongoing potential for loss, the subjugation of girls and boys as well to a false body ideal is a contemporary tragedy.
Drawing Tyranny helped me to know my enemy, to fight back, and to recover. I hope that sharing the experience of anorexia in words and imagery will do the same for others